Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Crankin' out the white stuff in Louisiana

Pam and her husband in Mooringsport, Louisiana have been making snow at home with the snowmaker from kit 2. Below is her email message and some pictures she sent us. If you have any pictures, videos, or even just a testimonial of snow you made from our products feel free to send them to us and we will post your story right here on our blog!

Pam's email:

We got the # 2 kit and waited and waited and waited. Finally it got cold enough. My husband was like a little kid. He loves making snow now, I think your product has created a snow making monster. Every day it gets cold all he wants to do is go home and make snow. I am attaching what is sure to be the first of many snow falls in Mooringsport Louisiana.

Pamela H.

Pam's photos:

Send us your snowmaking stories, pics, and videos to contact@snowstormsnowmaking.com
