Monday, June 9, 2008

Beat the heat with our misters!

From the Midwest to the Northeast, we are experiencing a heat wave! Help beat the heat with one of our water misters! We have most misting products IN STOCK ready to ship same day or next!

Our most popular item this summer is our portable low pressure water misters. They seem to be popular around the pool deck and on the porch to keep the outside air cool. Not only do people love them, but pets do too! Looking to cool a large area? Then consider the dual nozzle mister with our larger size nozzles. Remember, the larger the nozzle, the larger the area that will be cooled in a shorter amount of time.

If you don't have room for the portable low pressure mister with the stand then our water sticks may be right for you. They are essentially the same thing as the portable low pressure misters, but with just the tower part.

If you want to stay cool while sun tanning or sitting around the pool, consider our handheld mister with the smallest size nozzle. It won't get you drenched with water while you hold it!

If you have any questions on any of our water misting products, feel free to visit our site or contact us at We would love to hear from you.

Stay cool!