Saturday, October 6, 2007

Product Overview:Snowmaking Kits

Our snowmaking kits were introduced earlier this year and have proved to be very popular. Their reasonable price makes getting into snowmaking at home very affordable and easy to do. Although there is some assembly required to construct the snowmaker, it typically doesn't take any longer than 15-20 minutes to put an entire snowmaker together. All of the kits come shipped complete with instructions for both the assembly and operation of the snowmaker. Although no tools are required to assemble the snowmaker in the kit, a wrench or vice grips can be helpful and help eliminate your snowmaker from leaking once in operation.

The kits come shipped with everything you need to assemble a homemade snowmaker. This allows you to save time by not having to run around looking for parts if you purchased plans. The kits are perfect if you are not familiar with the types of parts and fittings needed to assemble the snowgun. The kits also come shipped with the special nozzles that cannot be found in stores. If you purchase kit number 2, the special connector for electrical pressure washers is included (22mm fitting). This fitting is difficult to find in stores (if at any) and also insures that you have safely and properly hooked up the pressure washer to the snowmaker.